國際勞工組織全體大會, 經國際勞工局理事會召集于1936年10月6日在日內瓦舉行第21屆會議, 經議決采納本屆大會議程第2項所列關于海員疾病保險的若干提議, 經決議這些提議應采取國際公約的方式, 于1936年10月24日通過下述公約,此公約得稱為《1936年疾病保險( 海員)公約》。 第1條 1.在本公約生效的領土上登記并從事海運或海上捕魚的任何船舶上以船長或船員 或其他服務身份受雇的每個人都應根據強制疾病保險體制給予保險,但在軍艦上受雇的 人員除外。 2.國際勞工組織任何會員國都可以在其國家法律或條例中對下述情況規(guī)定其認為 必要的例外: (a)在政府當局的船舶上受雇的人員,當這種船舶不從事貿易運輸時; (b)其工資或收入超過規(guī)定的數(shù)額的人員; (c)不付給貨幣工資的人員; (d)非居住在該會員國領土上的人員; (e)低于或高于規(guī)定的年齡界限的人員; (f)雇主的家庭成員; (g)引航員。 第2條 1.由于疾病原因喪失工作能力并被剝奪工資的受保人應有權從付津貼的第一天( 包括第一天)起至少在喪失工作能力的第一個26周或180天內享受現(xiàn)金津貼。 2.一旦證明期限和從喪失工作能力算起的幾天的等候時間結束,就可以定出享受 津貼的權利。 3.當存在一般強制疾病保險體制但不適用于海員時,受保人的現(xiàn)金津貼決不應定 得低于這種體制所定的數(shù)額。 4.現(xiàn)金津貼可以被扣留: (a)當受保人在船上或國外時; (b)當受保人由保險機構或公共基金供養(yǎng)時。但即使這樣,當受保人有家庭義務 時,應 僅能扣留部分現(xiàn)金津貼; (c)當就同一疾病受保人按法律從另一機構收到他有權享受的補償時。但即使這 樣,如 果這種補償?shù)扔诨蛏儆诎醇膊”kU體制付給的津貼數(shù)額,則全部或部分扣留現(xiàn)金 津 貼。 5.如果疾病是由于受保人的故意不當行為所致,可以減少或拒付現(xiàn)金津貼。 第3條 1.從其患病開始至少到規(guī)定的付給疾病津貼期限滿期止,受保人應有權免費享受 完全合格的醫(yī)師的醫(yī)療和合適而足夠的藥品和醫(yī)療器械的供應。 2.可以要求受保人支付國家法律或條例可能規(guī)定的部分醫(yī)療津貼費用。 3.當受保人在船上或國外時,可以扣留醫(yī)療津貼。 4.每當情況需要時,保險機構可以向患病者提供醫(yī)院治療,在這種情況下,應向 他支付全部生活費,并給予必要的醫(yī)療護理。 第4條 1.當受保人在國外并由于患病原因喪失享受工資的權利時,如果不是在國外他本 該享受的現(xiàn)金津貼,不論以前全部或部分付給,應在他回到該會員國領土之前全部或部 分付給其家庭。 2.國家法律或條例可以規(guī)定或授權提供下述津貼: (a)當受保人有家庭義務時,第2條規(guī)定外的附加現(xiàn)金津貼; (b)當受保人的家庭成員和受其贍養(yǎng)者患病時,實物或現(xiàn)金資助。 第5條 1.國家法律或條例應規(guī)定一些條件,當受保婦女在該會員國領土上時,應有權享 受產婦津貼。 2.國家法律或條例可以規(guī)定一些條件,當受保人的妻子在該會員國的領土上時, 應有權享受產婦津貼。 第6條 1.受保人死亡后,國家法律或條例規(guī)定的一定數(shù)額的現(xiàn)金津貼應付給死亡者的家 庭成員或用于支付葬禮費。 2.如果對死亡海員的遺屬存在有效的撫恤金體制,上款規(guī)定的現(xiàn)金津貼不應是強 制性的。 第7條 即使對在上個雇用合同終止后的一定期限的期間內發(fā)生的疾病,享受保險津貼的權 利也應繼續(xù);這個期限應由國家法律或條例確定,但要包括連續(xù)雇用之間的正常間隔時 間。 第8條 1.受保人及其雇主應分攤疾病保險體制的費用。 2.國家法律或條例可以規(guī)定;政府當局提供財政捐款。 第9條 1.疾病保險應由自治機構管理,這種自治機構應受政府當局的行政或財政監(jiān)督, 其經營目的不是為了盈利。 2.受保人應按照國家法律或條例規(guī)定的條件參加對這種機構的管理;對于按法律 或條例專門為海員設立的保險機構,雇主也應按照國家法律或條例規(guī)定的條件參加對這 種機構的管理;國家法律或條例還可以規(guī)定其他有關人員參加這種管理。 3.當由于國家條件的原因使自治機構對疾病保險的管理變得困難或不可能時,會 員國政府可以直接對其進行管理。 第10條 1.當受保人對其享受津貼的權利有爭端時,受保人應有權上訴。 2.應通過特別法院或按國家法律或條例認為合適的任何其他方法,使解決爭端的 程序對受保人來說既迅速又廉價。 第11條 本公約任何條款都不得影響比本公約規(guī)定的那些更優(yōu)惠的條件的任何法律、裁決書 、慣例或船東和海員簽訂的協(xié)議的執(zhí)行。 第12條 1.就國際勞工組織章程第35條所述的領土而言,批準本公約的本組織的各會員 國應在其批準書上附加一宣言,聲明: (a)對于哪些領土,它保證不加修改地應用本公約的條款; (b)對于哪些領土,它保證應用本公約的條款,但要作修改并附有所作修改的細 節(jié); (c)對于哪些領土,本公約不適用以及不適用的理由; (d)對于哪些領土,它保留其決定。 2.本條第1款(a)和(b)項所述的許諾應被視為批準書的組成部分并應具有 批準書的效力。 3.根據本條第1款(b)、(c)和(d)各項,任何會員國可以通過隨后的宣 言全部或部分取消其原宣言里的任何保留。 第13條 本公約的正式批準書應送請國際勞工局局長登記。 第14條 1.本公約應僅對其批準書已經局長登記的國際勞工組織各會員國具有約束力。 2.本公約應自兩個會員國的批準書已經局長登記之日起12月后生效。 3.此后,對于任何會員國,本公約應自其批準書已經登記之日起12個月后生效 。 第15條 國際勞工組織兩個會員國的批準書一旦被登記,國際勞工局局長應立即將此通知國 際勞工組織所有會員國。他也應將本組織其他會員國可能隨后送達的批準書的登記情況 通知所有會員國。 第16條 1.凡已批準本公約的會員國,自本公約初次生效之日起滿10年后可向國際勞工 局局長通知解約,并請其登記。此項解約通知書自經登記之日起滿1年后始得生效。 2.凡已批準本公約的會員國,在前款所述10年期滿后的1年內,如未行使本條 所規(guī)定的解約權利,即須再遵守10年。此后每當10年期滿,可依本條的規(guī)定通知解 約。 第17條 國際勞工局理事會在其認為必要時,應將本公約的實施情況向大會提出報告,并審 查應否將本公約的全部或局部修正問題列入大會議程。 第18條 1.如大會通過一項對本公約作全部或局部修正的新公約,除該新公約另有規(guī)定外 ,則: (a)在新修正公約已生效時,盡管有上述第16條規(guī)定,會員國對于新修正公約 的批準, 依法應為對本公約的立即解約; (b)自新修正公約生效之日起,本公約應停止接受會員國的批準。 2.對于已批準本公約而未批準新修正公約的會員國,本公約的現(xiàn)有形式及內容, 在任何情況下,仍應有效。 第19條 本公約的法文本與英文本同等為準。 【名稱】 CONVENTION No.56 Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Sea-men 【題注】 [Date of coming into force: 9 December 1949.] Whole document The General Conference of the International Labour Organization, Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its twenty-first Session on 6 October 1936, and Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to sickness insurance for seamen, which is included in the second item on the agenda of the Session, and Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention, adopts this twenty-fourth day of October of the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six the following Convention, which may be cited as the Sickness Insurance (Sea) Convention, 1936: Article 1 1. Every person employed as master or Member of the crew or otherwise in the service of the ship, on board any vessel, other than a ship of war, registered in a territory for which this Convention is in force and engaged in maritime navigation or sea-fishing, shall be insured under a compulsory sickness insurance scheme. 2. Provided that any Member of the International Labour Organization may in its national laws or regulations make such exceptions as it deems necessary in respect of (a) persons employed on board vessels of public authorities when such vessels are not engaged in trade; (b) persons whose wages or income exceed a prescribed amount; (c) persons who are not paid a money wage; (d) persons not resident in the territory of the Member; (e) persons below or above prescribed age-limits; (f) members of the employer's family; (g) pilots. Article 2 1. An insured person who is rendered incapable of work and deprived of his wages by reason of sickness shall be entitled to a cash benefit for at least the first twenty-six weeks or one hundred and eighty days of incapacity from and including the first day for which benefit is payable. 2. The right to benefit may be made conditional upon the completion of a qualifying period and of a waiting period of a days to be counted from the beginning of the incapacity. 3. The cash benefit granted to the insured person shall never be fixed at a rate lower than that fixed by the general scheme of compulsory sickness insurance, where such a scheme exists but does not apply to seamen. 4. Cash benefit may be withheld (a) while the insured person is on board or abroad; (b) while the insured person is maintained by the insurance institution or from public funds. Provided that in such case it shall only partially be withheld when the insured person has family responsibilities; (c) while in respect of the same illness the insured person receives compensation from another source to which he is entitled by law, so however that in such case benefit shall only be wholly or partially withheld if and so far as such compensation is equal to or less than the amount of the benefit payable under the sickness insurance scheme. 5. Cash benefit may be reduced or refused in the case of sickness caused by the insured person's wilful misconduct. Article 3 1. The insured person shall be entitled free of charge, as from the commencement of his illness and at least until the period prescribed for the grant of sickness benefit expires, to medical treatment by a fully qualified medical practitioner and to the supply of proper and sufficient medicines and appliances. 2. Provided that the insured person may be required to pay such part of the cost of medical benefit as may be prescribed by national laws or regulations. 3. Medical benefit may be withheld while the insured person is on board or abroad. 4. Whenever the circumstances so require, the insurance institution may provide for the treatment of the sick person in hospital and in such case shall grant him full maintenance together with the necessary medical attention and care. Article 4 1. When the insured person is abroad and by reason of sickness has lost his right to wages, whether previously payable in whole or in part, the cash benefit to which he would have been entitled had he not been abroad shall be paid in whole or in part to his family until his return to the territory of the Member. 2. National laws or regulations may prescribe or authorise the provision of the following benefits: (a) when the insured person has family responsibilities, a cash benefit additional to that provided for in Article 2; (b) in case of the sickness of members of the insured person's family living in his home and dependent on him, aid in kind or in cash. Article 5 1. National laws or regulations shall prescribe the conditions under which an insured woman, while in the territory of the Member, shall be entitled to maternity benefit. 2. National laws or regulations may prescribe the conditions under which the wife of an insured man, while in the territory of the Member, shall be entitled to maternity benefit Article 6 1. On the death of the insured person, a cash benefit of an amount prescribed by national laws or regulations shall be paid to the members of the family of the deceased or be applied for defraying the funeral expenses. 2. Where there is in force a pension scheme for the survivors of deceased seamen, the grant of the cash benefit provided for in the preceding paragraph shall not be compulsory. Article 7 The right to insurance benefit shall continue even in respect of sickness occurring during a definite period after the termination of the last engagement, which period shall be fixed by national laws or regulations in such a way as to cover the normal interval between successive engagements. Article 8 1. The insured persons and their employers shall share in providing the financial resources of the sickness insurance scheme. 2. National laws or regulations may provide for a financial contribution by the public authorities. Article 9 1. Sickness insurance shall be administered by self-governing institutions, which shall be under the administrative and financial supervision of the public authorities and shall not be carried on with a view to profit. 2. Insured persons, and in the case of insurance institutions set up specially for seamen under laws or regulations the employers also, shall participate in the management of the institutions under such conditions as may be prescribed by national laws or regulations, which may also provide for the participation of other persons concerned. 3. Provided that the administration of sickness insurance may be undertaken directly by the State where and so long as its administration by self-governing institutions is rendered difficult or impossible by reason of national conditions. Article 10 1. The insured person shall have a right of appeal in case of dispute concerning his right to benefit. 2. The procedure for dealing with disputes shall be rendered rapid and inexpensive for the insured person by means of special courts or any other method deemed appropriate under national laws or regulations. Article 11 Nothing in this Convention shall affect any law, award, custom or agreement between shipowners and seamen which ensures more favourable conditions than those provided by this Convention. Article 12 1. In respect of the territories referred to in article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organization, each Member of the Organization which ratifies this Convention shall append to its ratification a declaration stating (a) the territories in respect of which it undertakes to apply the provisions of the Convention without modification; (b) the territories in respect of which it undertakes to apply the provisions of the Convention subject to modifications, together with details of the said modifications; (c) the territories in respect of which the Convention is inapplicable and in such cases the grounds on which it is inapplicable; (d) the territories in respect of which it reserves its decision. 2. The undertakings referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be an integral part of the ratification and shall have the force of ratification. 3. Any member may by a subsequent declaration cancel in whole or in part any reservations made in its original declaration in virtue of subparagraphs (b), (c) or (d) of paragraph 1 of this Article. Article 13 The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registrations. Article 14 1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International Labour Organization whose ratifications have been registered with the Director-General. 2. It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General. 3. Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve months after the date on which its ratification has been registered. Article 15 As soon as the ratifications of two members of the International Labour Organization have been registered, the Director-General of the International Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International Labour Organization. He shall likewise notify them of the registration of ratifications which may be communicated subsequently by other Members of the Organization. Article 16 1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered. 2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not, within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under the terms provided for in this Article. Article 17 At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part. Article 18 1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides, (a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 16 above, if and when the new revising Convention shall have come into force; (b) as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force, this Convention shall cease to the open to ratification by the Members. 2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention. Article 19 The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.